Sunday, March 1, 2009

'Sex and Emotions'

Sex is not just a physical act to relive sexual tension. Having sex can cause very strong emotions. Sometimes a teenager may only realize this after having sex. It is for this reason that teenagers should carefully think about the consequences of having sex well before they actually do it. Sexual intercourse is the most intimate thing that two people can do. When having sex, it is said that two bodies become one. Sex can cause strong feelings for both people; and females will most likely feel this strongest. A female teen should carefully think about the possibility of having sex, because once she does, it can not be erased. If her partner is not mature enough to handle the emotions that will occur, she may find she will dearly regret her decision. Sex can lead a person to feel that they are in love, or it can make the feelings of love stronger; a person should be sure a relationship is lasting before having sex. A person should be sure that they can handle the emotions of sex and the responsibilities of sex before they have intercourse. Sex can be a wonderful thing; but there is no rush.

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